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And then there were Four…

Gareth Ellis

Well, the news is out, and yes the rumours are true. Rupert will soon be a big brother, as Jess and I are having another baby.

We found out our latest magical news way back in September when Jess and Ru video called me. I was at work and ducked into a meeting room (not full of people) and I thought I was in for a nice chat with my wife and son. Then Jess flipped the camera to the positive pregnancy test and boom, say hello to baby number two.

In true clichéd fashion I was lost for words and as any new parent will know, I then had to go back to work as if nothing was happening and keep my big mouth shut for 9 more weeks (of course we told our family first.)

As time went on it got really hard for both of us to dodge the questions, ‘so do you think you’ll have any more children?’ ‘Are you guys only having Rupert?’ One friend even said to me at work ‘it’s too early for you two to get pregnant isn’t it?’ Bear in mind we were around two months along by that point and I had to nod and say ‘oh yeah, it’s too early for us just yet.’ Although, when I could finally tell my friends at work the reaction was amazing. The screams could probably be heard a mile away, it was so lovely.

Is there ever a right time to get pregnant? You’ll always have an idea in your head about perfect timing and perfect age gaps (if you want more than one) and it’s all a lot of rubbish. We knew we wanted two babies and we wanted them fairly close together in age. That’s about it. The rest is all down to fate.

So, on November 5 this year we went to see our latest little one for the first time and, I’ll tell you, that moment doesn’t get any less magical. It was still just like the first time when that little image popped up on screen and the doctor moved her magic wand around to show us baby’s arms, legs, head and even their heart.

Finally, with the 12 week scan secured we could start to tell more people and ‘get the secret out’ and believe me that’s a relief.

We even decided on writing this blog. But one of the main things we have noticed about this pregnancy that is a lot different from the first is the lack of time. With Rupert we tracked his growth every week, remarking on the next fruit he was as big as and how his bones had formed. This time around we’re lucky if we remember to count the weeks, let alone anything else. I mean, we’re sat here at 10.10pm, hurriedly writing this blog, 17 weeks pregnant. This pregnancy is flying by and it’s all because we are so busy! Baby is due on the 14th May, and it feels like we will blink and miss the whole second and third trimester if we’re not careful.

One of the main questions we get asked, after ‘was it planned?’, is ‘are you going to find out what you’re having?’. With Rupert we did, we are very impatient people and just HAD to know. This time around, because we know it is unlikely we will go through this experience again, we have decided to not find out. Hopefully, we don’t change our minds half way through the 20 week scan, or like last time, see a very obvious shape that meant it couldn’t have been a girl.

Overall, Jess and I are over the moon. Of course we’re scared about some things and we’re unsure on a few others but we were with Rupert too and in my humble opinion we’ve done a pretty good job with him so far. He’s healthy, happy (most of the time!) and hopefully will be the best big brother… might need to start teaching him how to share…

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