Today has been a very big day in our return to normality.
Today marks the day that people can see each other indoors and get that all important hug they may have been missing for the past however many months.
For me, it means that indoor play dates could soon be a thing, and with the weather being as bad as it has been just recently that could be a godsend.
The problem my wife Jess and I have found is that without being able to meet anyone outside of your support bubble, we’ve been restricted to meeting people for walks. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’ve been grateful for the walks I’ve had with friends, but sometimes the weather has been freezing and I’ve craved nothing more than a cuppa in someone’s house while the kids sit down and play together.
We were extremely lucky that we were able to invite some of our family into our garden last week to celebrate Emilia’s first birthday. The lucky part of it being that it was supposed to rain all week, until the weather report changed the day before – maybe her Nana in heaven was smiling down on us all that day.
With restrictions easing we may soon be able to return to indoor play areas too. I know that Rupert used to love visiting soft play areas and the trampoline park too, so we’ll have to make a return soon, although I heard recently that one thing won’t be returning – the ball pit.
Jess was telling me over the weekend that ball pits will soon become a thing of the past (at least for now) as it’s too hard to clean them. I mean. It makes sense, right? We all know that children aren’t the best at covering their mouths when they sneeze or cough or running to play without giving you the chance to wipe their hands etc after they’ve eaten – then add Covid into the mix. Seems like a fairly sensible decision to me.
Personally, with the summer months coming, I’ll be looking at doing more things outside anyway. Hopefully, we can tie in plenty of fun in the sun with lots of interaction for the children because I still understand how important that is too.
Summer is coming, and with it brings a sense of freedom, but I can also sense from a lot of people a feeling of fear too – and I’m one who feels both sides. Yes, of course, I can’t wait to take the children wherever without worrying about the threat of Covid, but none of us have been ill in more than a year, so I am definitely worried about all of a sudden being exposed to other people (and other people’s germs).
Overall, I think it will be nice to go out to a shop, or for a walk, or see someone online doing the same, and not have to think – why aren’t they being more careful?
To be free to visit family and share pictures online without fear of being judged or have to explain that ‘that’s my bubble.’
On a side note, if anyone fancies a hug today, or any other day, I’m here.
