It sounds like a cliché but it’s funny how when you hear your baby’s heartbeat, your own skips a beat.
Cheesy as that may sound it’s true. Yesterday hearing the heartbeat of our baby was a magical sound and comes just a day after I felt him/her kick for the first time (but more on that later.)
J and I had just returned from our Babymoon in Sorrento and despite feeling utterly relaxed over there the appointment still worried me. Would we be able to hear the heartbeat? Would it be too fast? Too slow? Too many thoughts flying around my head.
However, we’ve got a great midwife and after a few routine questions it was show-time! Pretty much as soon as the ultrasound Doppler touched J’s belly we heard that beautiful sound.

We were told by the midwife that if the beat sounded like horses then it was a girl and a train for a boy. An old wives tale of course but still, more of an indication than we’ve had already. The problem was that she didn’t even know what she was hearing so it was even harder for us to. In fact she said she heard both – but thank god it’s not twins, still just the one in there.
So we left the doctor’s with that sound in our ears and sent it on to our nearest and dearest to try and gauge whether they could work out what they heard.
Unfortunately it was a split decision, with some hearing one and some hearing the other. I heard a train, but then when I closed my eyes (and thought about horses) I heard the sounds of a horse trotting by.
Oo I thought I just felt the baby kick again, although it may have been J’s dinner going down. I’ll just pretend it was the kick.
That’s another thing. Just on Tuesday I felt the baby kick for the first time. J called me in excitedly after she’d felt a kick. I put my hand on her belly and it kicked again. It must have been that because we both looked up open mouthed at the same time.
It was the most incredible feeling because up until now I’ve not been able to feel all of the little flutters and feelings that she has, so to finally get something to feel (and then hear) it brought it home just how real it all is.
In just 6 days we’ll know for sure what we’re having. We’ve decided to find out the sex of the baby so we’ll know exactly what colours to paint and clothes to buy.
Before, we said we wanted a girl, now I think we’ll just take a healthy baby.