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Daddy’s First Day Back at Work

Gareth Ellis

This week I had the very unfortunate task of going back to work after my paternity leave.

Yes, that’s right, our little Ru is already two weeks old and I had to sadly leave him and Jess at home as I made my return to work.

The day before I was dreading it and I was actually a bit nervous. I’d spent two weeks giving him cuddles all day long and staring at his gorgeous face that it almost seemed unfair that already I had to leave him (between 8am and 4pm.)

Here’s a rundown of how my first day back went:

6:20am – our natural alarm clock woke us up as he cried for some food, 10 minutes before my actual alarm was due to go off.

6:45am – in the shower after handing Rupert over to a very tired Mummy. Turns out he didn’t have the best night’s sleep.

7:15am – I took the boy for a change as he had pooed. After a very easy change and literally just as I’d put some cream on his bum, he started pooing again. I tried to block it with a wipe and it went over that and all over my hand – cheers Rupert.

8am – after a quick visit to my favourite coffee shop I made it to work and after a few hugs from the people who were already there I turned on my laptop.

10am – more than 250 emails later and I’d finally caught up with my inbox. I’d also told a number of baby-related stories and had loads of congratulations.

11am – Jess is keeping me up to date with Rupert’s latest adventures (today he went to register at the doctors) with something we call Ru-pdates – pronounced Roopdates.

1pm – Jess mentioned she was going to the supermarket to grab some lunch bits, I of course took this as my cue to meet for lunch so I could see him again – I know, how needy.

3pm – My wonderful friends at work presented me with a card, signed by the whole team, as well as a gift card for Next. I was humbled and very grateful. I also promised to take him into work so they can all have a cuddle.

Gareth and Rupert

4pm – hometime! I pretty much ran to the car and straight through the door to cuddle him. Mummy was napping, so I just greedily claimed about 2 hours of missed hugs.

6pm – I finally had to put him down so I could have dinner.

9pm – after more napping and feeding (for him this time) it was nearly time for us to go to bed. Thank God I’m a Celeb has finished so we can go to bed at a decent hour.

11pm – what is that smell? And we go again.

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