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Happy 2nd Birthday, Rupert

Gareth Ellis

Today is a special day in the Ellis household. Our little, not so little boy, our first born, our beautiful son Rupert turned two.

No longer are we parents of two babies (although they’ll always be my babies), or two under two, now we have a baby and a toddler.

I’m so proud of him. He’s growing into this wonderful, clever little boy and despite not wanting to mention it, time is going so quickly.

It seems like only yesterday he arrived, after a 54-hour labour, and a fairly traumatic birth, to change our lives forever. I know he forced Jess and I to change quite a lot and he brought so much love into our house.

Right now I look at him and I still wonder if I’m doing everything right. For example, I thought Rupert would be able to talk a little better than he does by now. I mean, he says a lot of words at the moment and he’s learning more every day, and he understands a hell of a lot, maybe I’m asking too much of a child of his age.

The big thing for me is how much he understands. If I tell him to come over and put his shoes on he will walk over and sit down in front of me so I can put them on for him. And just recently he’s been able to actually blow out a couple of candles – a key birthday skill.

He knows what he likes, and he’ll soon tell you if he doesn’t like something. He’s funny, with a cheeky little grin when he’s done something that maybe he shouldn’t. In fact at the moment if he’s doing something naughty he’ll often look at Jess and I and wave – sometimes it’s impossible to keep a straight face.

And the biggest thing we’ve noticed in the last six months, despite originally thinking he was very serious and didn’t like hugs, is that he’s extremely caring and sometimes likes nothing more than cuddling up with us while he reads, or watches his favourite TV programmes.

Like I said in my last blog, it sucks so much for those who love him that they won’t be able to see him on his actual birthday, and even those who see him won’t be able to give him his presents properly. I promise you all that we’ll make up for it.

I mean, in our family we’ve got Uncle Ollie’s, Auntie Charlotte’s, Daddy’s, Nanna’s and Rupert’s birthdays to celebrate, so it’s going to be a hell of a party!

So happy birthday my beautiful, caring, energetic, Hey Duggee loving, car obsessed little boy. Mummy, Daddy and your sister Emi absolutely adore you and will be sure to give you lots of cuddles (and cake.)

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