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Marathons – there’s more than one

Gareth Ellis

Now that the dust has settled I finally feel I can talk about the marathon.

Around three weeks ago I ran my second one and watching the London version this week got me to a point where I wanted to talk about it again.

First of all, the marathon is an unbelievable feat. I know so many people who have done it, including J and myself, and I am still absolutely amazed by anyone who takes it on.

For those who haven’t let me answer a few questions for you. Most of which I’ve heard in the last few weeks.

Firstly, London isn’t the only marathon in the world. If I tell people I’ve done the marathon recently they always say ‘Oo London?’ and when I say ‘no, Brighton’ they ask the second question – ‘Is that a full marathon?’

Yes it is, trust me my legs can attest that it is in fact 26.2 miles long. Don’t get me wrong London is a wonderful marathon, it’s full of sights, it’s the most famous one, it’s just not the only one.

It meant more to me to run Brighton than it did London, for so many reasons. Firstly, it was my second and potentially last ever, marathon. I wish I could say last, but my search for that feeling of accomplishment will probably lead me to more.

Secondly, it was a race that I had trained for and run with J. We put so much work in over so many months and it was a huge achievement for both of us. We sacrificed, we argued, we laughed and we cried together. Then we held hands and crossed the line together – and then cried again.

Thirdly, both of our families were there to cheer us on. As anyone who knows me will know, family is everything to me. So having them there and cheering us on as we pounded those last few painful steps was incredible.

The point is if someone tells you they are running a marathon you should admire the hell out of them. Not just the ones who help others out (Google Matthew Rees – he’s a wonderful man), it’s every single person who trains for and completes ANY 26.2 mile course.

For those out there who would like to sponsor me you still have the chance, my Just Giving page is still live and it would mean the world to me If I could reach my target to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Care.

If you would like to you can do so by visiting Anything you can give would be amazing and I would be eternally grateful.

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