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Thank You – Blogmas Day 12

Gareth Ellis

On the 12th day of Blogmas all I give to you is one simple thing: a thank you.

I set out in December to write 12 blogs in 12 days (it’s 12 in about 15 but who’s counting?) and I have really enjoyed it.

So far, not including this one, I have written 11 blogs, had 398 views, 239 visitors and had 2 comments (which is double the amount of comments I’ve had in 8 months).

The point is I really appreciate it. When I started this blog in April it was a way of expressing myself and doing a bit of creative writing, something I sorely missed.

I never knew if anyone would be interested in my ramblings let alone sit and read them. Honestly, I thought it was just going to be the online version of a crazy bloke talking to himself. So for me those numbers are incredible, even if they don’t sound like a lot to anyone else.

I write for a living but it doesn’t involve me being creative or as honest as this blog does. I wanted to hopefully reach out to a new audience with my Blogmas and if I’ve had at least one new viewer then I’ll be happy.

In the New Year all I would ask of you guys reading this, other than to keep reading it, is to share it. Share it on social media, tell your friends and leave a comment.

The best blogs I’ve written have come from the simplest places. A comment, a laugh I’ve shared with someone or just a mistake I’ve made.

Here’s hoping for an interesting and thought-provoking 2017.

I’m getting married, I’m running a marathon and I’m sure I’ll fuck something up at some point so you’re sure of a good read.

Thanks again and Happy New Year to all.

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