Big news!
This week we ordered little man’s pram set! We’re so excited because we got a great price for a set that includes so much. I mean, it comes with a carrycot, cup holder, car seat and even a foot muff! However, our journey towards that decision wasn’t such an easy one. Let me take you back about 2 months.
So, J and I had just been for an overwhelming visit to an out of town nursery shop and sensing we might get a bit down we went to Mamas & Papas for another look (and some more advice.)
When we went in a lady asked us if we needed help, “More than you can imagine,” was my response. The problem was we didn’t know what it was we wanted, so actually we were the most annoying customers.
So, after some questions from the lady helping us we were blown away with a model called the Flip XT2. It was amazing, and it seemed to tick all the boxes.
We knew it was the one we wanted but that didn’t stop us going back four separate times to look at exactly the same model and ask exactly the same questions. I would say it was because we were nervous but I guess we’re just really indecisive.

But it’s a lot of money to spend on something that we will use a lot, that will keep our boy safe, happy and, most importantly, asleep on a walk.
However, even after deciding on the pushchair we wanted, our dilemma and thoughts on it weren’t completely over. Of course, we then had to think of what colour we wanted it in.
It came in a load of different colours, but we’d settled on either the blue or the black. And what’s the best (most modern) way of making that important decision? That’s right, a poll on J’s Instagram story.
The blue version was lovely, but for £250 less the black version came with double the accessories, plus three different staff members told us the difference really did just come down to colour. (That’s right, we went back to the shop to grill them again on the same pushchair set.)
So, with the black version coming out on top in the poll, that’s what we went for….of course, we made the decision based on our feelings and not the poll.
Anyway, our little dude will now have a way to get out and about. Now we just have to decide on his nursery set and how to decorate his room. I guess we’ll make the decision by the time he’s around 2 or 3.