
Gareth Ellis
Jan 17, 20192 min read
What Makes a ‘Good’ Parent?
What makes a good parent? Right now I think Jess and I are doing a bloody good job but every now and again people ask us a question and I...
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Gareth Ellis
Dec 11, 20182 min read
Daddy’s First Day Back at Work
This week I had the very unfortunate task of going back to work after my paternity leave. Yes, that’s right, our little Ru is already two...
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Gareth Ellis
Dec 5, 20183 min read
Thank you to the NHS
Today marks a significant day as Rupert turns 12 days old. Not a particularly big birthday I know, but it means that today he has been at...
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Gareth Ellis
Nov 28, 20184 min read
Welcome to the World
On Friday morning, 9.42am, on the 23rd of November something truly magical happened – Jess and I became parents. Our little boy decided...
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Gareth Ellis
Jun 20, 20182 min read
Time is precious, spend it wisely
Time is such a precious commodity. It’s one of those things that when you have a lot of it you don’t need it and when you need it you...
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Gareth Ellis
Jun 8, 20182 min read
Advice – Make it Nice
Why when people find out your pregnant, and they’ve had children, do they tell you all the bad bits? J and I recently shared the good...
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Gareth Ellis
May 31, 20183 min read
To Buy or Not to Buy
So currently J and I are tackling the minefield of baby shopping. Quite frankly I’m lost already underneath the mire of travel systems,...
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Gareth Ellis
May 25, 20183 min read
Dos and Don’ts of the First Trimester
After nearly a year of marriage and almost six years of this relationship, you think I’d know my other half. And I do to a certain...
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Gareth Ellis
May 21, 20183 min read
We’re having a baby!!!
Jess and I are having a baby! That’s right, today we went for our 12 week scan and saw our little prince or princess for the first time...
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